ESSENTIALLY this is a speciality garden centre together with a variety of wildlife, mostly endangered species. We found a tearoom attached.

"Everything is home-baked, including the herb sausage pie and soup," goes the claim. I feel certain this assertion is true.

We had the choice of sitting inside or enjoying the fine weather outside in the pergola area, with its unsteady tables. We chose to be outside.

Under the heading of Yorkshire Garden World Pies, with fresh herbs, two varieties were on offer. Tomato sausage herb or herb vegetables in a sauce enclosed in shortcrust or puff pastry. Both were priced at £3 with chips available for an extra £1.30.

Ann went to the counter to order the herb vegetable pie for me. I forgot to ask her which pastry she had chosen but it came in shortcrust. It was certainly different with its salad and what I hope was correctly identified as minced carrot with red beans bound by a mayonnaise dressing.

The sole girl working in the tearoom did everything (oh, the mountain of dishes waiting to be washed!) so there was a delay before she appeared with our snack.

As an alternative to mature Wensleydale cheese and tomato quiche, Ann had a substantial slice of the Stilton and broccoli variety. It was garnished in a similar fashion to mine.

We both agreed that the flavours were distinctive although we were unable to name many of the herbs we ate. And, yes, it was definitely healthy especially without chips!

The Ilkley pudding made from an old country recipe with organically grown fruit sounded intriguing. But to no avail. It had all gone as had the fruit tart. Both were priced at £1.95.

We looked at the range of cakes and tray bakes on display but decided that on this occasion we would call it a day.

Reconciling the bill was a challenge. Apparently we had had a full salad with our snack. According to the menu I thought the charge would have been £4.60 each. The amount requested was based on some other figure.

After our snack we took the opportunity to walk round the various wild, herb and speciality gardens. We viewed two llamas and pigmy black and white goats as well as meeting the owner with newly-picked herbs, tomatoes and cucumber on their way to the tearoom.

Updated: 08:41 Saturday, September 14, 2002