A NEW support group has been set up in the Selby area for parents of children with special needs.

Ripple, an informal group, which gives parents and carers a chance to meet people in similar situations, was started by parents with children at Hemingbrough Primary School.

Organiser Sue MacVean, of Cliffe Common, said that the group was looking for new members from all over the Selby area.

She said: "Ripple is all about parents helping and advising each other."

The group is also looking to set up a resources library of equipment to help children with special needs and is planning to apply for funding from various sources.

The library would include educational aids such as books, toys and lava lamps as well as books to advise parents, which could be borrowed for long periods of time.

Sue said: "Educational aids are expensive to buy and have a limited lifespan so a library of this kind would save parents a significant amount of money.

"What we really want is an idea of what kind of resources parents would find most useful."

Sue has two children with special needs. Her eldest son Jason, nine, has Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism, and dyslexia. Her daughter Kerry, seven, has dyslexia and dyscalculus, a form of number dyslexia.

She said: "Dyslexia is difficult to recognise and unless the school picks up on it, children often just limp through school or are perceived as naughty.

"Before Jason was diagnosed with dyslexia, I felt that he had problems but I didn't know where to turn.

"Our group offers the chance for parents, who are worried their child might have learning difficulties, to talk about their concerns with people who have had similar experiences."

The group's next meeting is on Wednesday September 25 at 10am at The Ranch Caravan Park, off South Duffield Road, Cliffe Common.

For more details contact Sue on 01757 630910.

Updated: 14:08 Monday, September 16, 2002