A REPORT into Son Of Star Wars claims that little consideration has been given to the impact on North Yorkshire residents of a weapons strike on Fylingdales and Menwith Hill.

The report, by the Missile Defence Working Group, reiterates fears that the strategic value of the two North Yorkshire spy bases could make the UK a target if an attack was launched against the planned U.S. missile defence system.

Only last week, the American Government, in a new document on national security, again pledged to "build defences against ballistic missiles and other means of delivery".

The working group, established a year ago, comprises a number of parties fighting against the Son of Star Wars plans, including CND, the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) and the UK branch of the United Nations Association.

In its report, the group stresses that "little consideration has been given to the impact of the local population of a strike on either Fylingdales or Menwith Hill using a weapon of mass destruction."

It says: "The role of UK-based facilities in a U.S. missile defence system is a matter of public concern and warrants full parliamentary consideration and consultation."

The working group pledged to continue to press the Government to refuse to allow any U.S. bases in the UK to be used in the system.

Meanwhile, a U.S. Government document, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, has set out America's policies in the wake of September 11.

In it are a number of veiled references revealing its commitment to a Son of Star Wars system.

Neil Kingsnorth, a development worker at Yorkshire CND, said: "The new U.S. document on its national security strategy embodies clear references to missile defence.

"They are again selling missile defence as a defence against rogue states. It is nothing of the sort. Missile defence is an offensive system that will give them dominance over land, sea, air and space.

"No rogue state has the capability to fire ballistic missiles at the USA and proper monitoring, inspecting and diplomacy could ensure that that remains so.

"Their increasing attempts to link missile defence into the war on terrorism are alarming. It is nothing more than a convenient veil for the real motivation behind this system - U.S. dominance."

Updated: 08:31 Monday, September 30, 2002