YOUNGSTERS visiting a relative at St Leonard's Hospice in York can now take advantage of a colourful new room.

The children's room, which is stocked with toys, has been created as part of the £2 million redevelopment of the site in Tadcaster Road.

It will enable youngsters to be noisy, play and be themselves, or they can make greetings cards or gifts, using a variety of craft materials.

But it will also be used for 'guided play' supported by hospice staff, to help children understand what is happening or to help them express their emotions. There is a puppet theatre and a doctor's kit that might be useful.

Occasionally the room may be booked for a therapy session with a particular child and in this case toys will still be available in the family room.

Sue Spence, clinical care services manager at the hospice, said: "The main aim of the children's room is to normalise as much as possible, a child's experience of visiting the hospice and having a relative who is an in-patient and seriously ill.

"Rosemary Thompson, our family support nurse, and social worker Margaret Draper have worked together to prepare the room for opening.

"We should like to thank them and the volunteers in the bereavement care team who put together a successful application for a Millennium Commission Award to enable us to furnish and equip the room. It is very bright and cheerful, a great asset."

Updated: 08:33 Monday, September 30, 2002