PRINCE Charles has finally shown his true colours. He's thrown the toys out of his pram, stamped his little royal foot, and declared that if nasty Mr Blair bans fox-hunting, he will spend all his time abroad skiing. No change there then!

Why no third option, such as working for a living? What a role model this 50-something chinless waste of space is.

He has, we are told, written to a government minister, deploring what he refers to as our 'compensation culture'.

In that case why didn't his family pay for Windsor Castle to be refurbished after the fire some years ago? Why did they expect compensation?

I hope Mr Blair sticks to his guns about the fox hunting issue. I detest blood sports, but not quite as much as I detest whining parasites

Ella Hirst,

Coggan Close, York.

Updated: 10:05 Monday, September 30, 2002