ON the evening of September 26, R Yates and Sons held a fashion show in their Pickering garden centre, when, with the help of Ryedale Young Farmers, they showed off their range of winter clothes.

The clothes ranged from childrenswear, very ably modelled by the Corner, Marwood and Hopkinson children, whilst the adult and teenage fashions were shown off by young farmers from across Ryedale. A full range of winter clothing was presented, from winter wear for children, which included wellies and waterproofs, to the very height of fashionable shooting gear for adults.

Most of the young farmers had been on the march the previous Sunday and came equipped with their 'Save the Countryside' banners which added the usual YFC flair to the big occasion and all added up to a superb evening of fashion and fun which everybody enjoyed.

To add to the enjoyment, over £350 was raised which will go to Malton Hospital and Fridays Friends, which is a local breast cancer charity.

Updated: 08:31 Thursday, October 03, 2002