YORK St John College has recruited peacekeeping patrols to quieten students after complaints from nearby householders.

Residents claim their lives have been blighted by late-night noise and disturbances from students urinating, vomiting and dumping takeaway rubbish.

Now the Students' Union has launched its biggest campaign for a decade to support the residents.

Lollipops are a key weapon in the armoury of the SSHH! campaign, which stands for Silent Students equals Happy Homes.

The sweets are being handed out to students in the hope that they will help keep them quiet when they are returning home from nights out.

The Students' Union has also set up a hotline for residents to effectively deal with any problems that might occur.

The campaign has been launched by the students' union in partnership with the college, residents, the police and York nightclubs.

It aims to raise awareness that people must respect the community.

Students have already received a presentation about the campaign and the importance of keeping the noise down.

The Students' Union Executive Committee, including the president, dressed up in costumes, along with staff and students who wore SSHH! T-shirts and pyjamas.

Students' Union Security staff have also played a role by patrolling St John Street, and other areas surrounding York St John College, informing students they must be quiet.

People attending Students' Union events have had their hand stamped with the SSHH! logo, been given lollipops, and prompted with reminders to be quiet on their way home.

More than 10,000 'do not disturb' door hangers with the SSHH! logo have been given to students.

Students' Union president George Brichieri said: "We are delighted with the the positive response we have received from both students and local residents."

The hotline number is 07817806802.

Updated: 10:44 Friday, October 04, 2002