BE STILL your beating heart...this godlike image is apparently the answer to a maiden's prayer in York.

But the Frankenstein-like photofit, supposed to represent the "ultimate celebrity" for York locals, was given a firm thumbs-down when we road-tested it in the city.

The photofit is made up from the facial features of several celebrity mugs, and comes as part of a Nestl survey to find the Ultimate Smooth Guy under its campaign supporting Polo Smoothies sweets.

The picture was composed after the results of a shoppers' survey in York revealed that York's perfect male would sport Pierce Brosnan's hair, Brad Pitt's eyes, George Clooney's nose, the mouth of David Beckham and the voice of Sean Connery. But on seeing the Frankenstein fella all stuck together like a patchwork quilt, the people of York have turned on their creation, deeming him more crass than crumpet.

Simon Hall, of Goodramgate, York, reckoned he bore a passing resemblance to a Middle East dictator. When quizzed on what his ideal woman might look like Simon told the Evening Press "the wife, of course."

"In my experience, what most women want in a man is a Robbie Williams, Marilyn Manson and Sean Connery cross breed," said York resident George Young. "If you took the moustache away from this guy he'd look like Clark Gable. Audrey Hepburn, she was a stunningly attractive woman, and I had a crush on Joanna Lumley when I was at school. I'm becoming more and more attracted to Tara Palmer Tomkinson at the moment, but I'm fighting against it."

Nathan Bradley, 24, of Leeman Road was less than impressed when asked what he thought of York's Ultimate Smoothie.

But then, he deemed a Sandra Bullock and Nell McAndrew cross to be just his cup of tea.

"I've got a problem with his hair," said Debbie Pallister of Clifton. "Myself I'd have had David Beckham and Jamie out of Eastenders. He's a bit of all right!"

"We'd have had Michael Owen and Beckham and Brad Pitt," said Jackie Sissons, 37 and Louise Sissons, 15, of York.

When asked what they thought of York's Ultimate Smoothie they both had to agree. "Not very much," they said.

Updated: 11:42 Saturday, October 05, 2002