I AM going to support the firefighters and other public sector workers in their struggle for realistic pay rates.

I believe the firefighters are doing a great service to this benighted nation by throwing down the gauntlet on this issue.

Mr and Mrs Average-Brit have got the idea that they can have champagne services on lemonade taxes. Wrong!

Our glorious creed-of-greed economic system has brought us to the ludicrous situation where public servants cannot afford to enjoy a decent standard of living in the communities they serve. That's our fault.

Politicians do not build communities, we do, and we will always get the community we deserve.

I fail to see any reason why any public servant should feel committed to a society that values the estate agent, banker, mobile phone seller and the rest of the consumerist riff-raff above firefighters, doctors, nurses, police officers and other key sector workers.

Good luck lads.

Graham Horne,

Beech Avenue,

Bishopthorpe, York.

...WHY do we glamorise the Fire Service to such an extent? They are using their position to feed their greed.

My brother was a fire chief, and this is what he had to say about them:

1. They usually do two jobs and earn more money than I.

2. They are trained to live not die, and are provided with the best survival equipment for every occasion.

My own thoughts are: There are far more dangerous jobs than a fireman, even mundane ones like builders or delivery men.

Our soldiers will be putting their lives at risk with ancient equipment, and lots of yobbos only too willing to attack them, especially on bonfire night.

As an ex Dunkirk and 8th Army Veteran, coming up to November 11 when we remember the only people paid to die for this country - soldiers male or female - these firemen make me sick at heart. Let's stop this glamorising of people who are cashing in on some - this is done mostly by women - who look upon them as gorgeous hulks.

K Garside,

Heworth Green, York.

Updated: 11:25 Monday, October 28, 2002