I WAS interested to read of the twins born on separate days (October 30). Our twins were born at Fulford Maternity Hospital on the July 6 and 7 1970. Our son was born at 11.55pm and our daughter at 12.05am.

When they were old enough to appreciate it, we always had two birthday celebrations; but it was very hard for the younger sibling watching her brother with all his cards and presents when she had to wait until the following day.

I even made two separate cakes until we got to the stage of parties and novelty ones. Joint parties were always interesting because the boys only played with cars whereas the girls wanted to play party games.

I thought at the time that it would have been even better had they been born on December 31 and January 1. Good luck to Andrew and Mandy.

John and Penny Niklaus,

Earswick Village, York.

Updated: 11:09 Thursday, November 07, 2002