I HOPE you can help me. I'd like to contact a girl I met on the train on Friday, October 25.

She was going home to York from Bristol University, where I think she was studying psychology or sociology.

We got talking when she was sitting in the gangway of the crowded train next to my seat and she was writing an essay.

I don't know her name but she was 18 years old and had medium length brown hair and was wearing a green top but she also had the most beautiful smile.

I got off the train and never managed to get her number because I am quite shy, but we seemed to get on really well and I can't stop thinking about her, when I got off the train we just waved goodbye.

I'd love to contact this girl because she was really sweet and I hope this letter will find her. My phone number is 07932 427878 and my e-mail is garywisgreat@aol.com

Gary Woodman,

19 Lily Road,

Yardley, Birmingham, B26 ITE.

Updated: 11:08 Thursday, November 07, 2002