A CHRISTMAS party for York's council tenants will mix festive cheer with housing advice.

The Family Funday at the National Railway Museum will be visited by Father Christmas, and include workshops on issues ranging from anti-social neighbours to evaluating the quality of the housing service.

The event is designed by City of York Council to help tenants get more involved in managing their homes.

But it will include activities to keep children entertained including storytelling, a drawing competition and a visit by Santa Claus.

David Alford, the council's community development manager, said: "The council is committed to involving tenants in all aspects of the housing service.

"This promises to be a fun way of people having their say and letting us know how they want to be involved."

The event has been organised for December 7. Childcare places must be booked by November 15 by calling 01904 554102.

Updated: 11:54 Thursday, November 07, 2002