A WARNING has gone out today to York people to beware of Christmas criminals.

City of York Council is warning about bogus charity sellers and collectors who exploit the generous.

As part of the Charity Commission's Christmas Safer Giving Campaign, the council is highlighting the issue of charity fraud in a bid to stamp out seasonal bad will.

Dick Haswell, the council's regulation unit manager, said: "It is important that people are aware of the ways in which the unscrupulous can take money under false pretences.

"Bogus vendors and collectors target the public all year round, but they become more prolific at this time of year when they trade on the fact that Christmas is a time for giving."

In recent months York has experienced problems with some magazine vendors offering a bogus "rag mag" supposedly produced on behalf of mature students; and others falsely claiming that proceeds from the sale of their magazine will go to charity, or to buy used disabled equipment for charities.

Similar problems have been encountered with rose vendors who target pubs, hotels and nightclubs, selling flowers for charity; in many cases only a very small percentage of the price is given to charity.

Mr Haswell said: "Whilst we're not saying that people should adopt the Scrooge

mentality - particularly at this time of year - we are asking them to satisfy themselves that the money they donate really is going to a good cause."

To enable the charitable to say Bah, Humbug! to yule-tide fraud the council is urging them to follow the Safer Giving code. When approached by a collector, people should ask, does the collector:

display an ID badge and a local authority or police licence? (Watch out for any photocopied or altered ID).

have a sealed collection container bearing a charity name and registration number?

come from the charity or a separate fundraising organisation? If the latter, they should have written agreement from the charity.

tell you how much of your money will go to the charity?

have information on how to contact the charity direct?

Anyone still in doubt should call the police or local authority licensing section on 01904 551521, to check whether the collector has a licence.

Otherwise, people can contact the Charity Commission to confirm charity registration, or give their donation direct to the charity.

Updated: 11:53 Thursday, November 07, 2002