HIGH-FLYING Selby Warriors have yet more injuries to contend with as they bid for a promotion place in Yorkshire League division two.

The Warriors, in second spot with games in hand despite their rotten luck with injuries, visit Castleford Panthers 'A' looking to follow up their derby success at York Acorn 'A' last week with another win.

But missing will be Anthony Hunter, who broke his jaw against Acorn, and Andy Rowe, who badly damaged a hand.

Dave Sowden, who will be one of three players returning on Saturday after injury along with Matthew Stephenson and Tony Langbridge, said: "It was a pretty warm game last week. I think they came out all fired up because we've turned them over in the previous few games between us. We weren't happy with the challenge on Anthony, but we pulled through in the end."

He added: "We would really like to win the title and I think the only thing that would stop us is injuries.

"If we had a full team out we could beat anybody in this division, but we seem to be losing players every time we get others back."

York Acorn 'A' entertain Lock Lane 'A' in a basement battle looking to get points on the board after a series of narrow defeats, while in division three Heworth 'A' visit Allerton Bywater.

Updated: 12:29 Thursday, November 07, 2002