ANGRY pig farmers will tonight make a direct action protest at an undisclosed Yorkshire supermarket depot.

The farmers, representing the British Pig Industry Support Group (BPISG), are to gather at a motorway service station on the A1 before travelling to the protest.

They want to highlight problems caused by the strong pound and cheap foreign pig meat, which they claim has shrunk the pig industry to its smallest size for 40 years.

John Rowbottom, a leading BPISG member who farms at Melbourne, near Pocklington, said: "The demonstration will definitely take place. Personally, I have not decided whether I will be taking part, but I expect between 50 and 100 farmers to be there.

"It is to talk about pig industry problems. That part of British agriculture has been harder hit than any other sector and people have long had enough. Farmers are having to take some sort of action to get people to listen."

Updated: 11:31 Thursday, November 07, 2002