YORK Age Concern's chief officer said today the charity will not be tempted to bare all for fundraising despite the huge success of a calendar featuring her daughter in a risque pose.

Student Ellie Hutchinson, 20, of Acomb Park, York, is at the centre of controversy after the calendar featuring her with her modesty covered only by rose petals was banned by Manchester University's Students' Union.

But publicity for Miss February Ellie, and her 11 fellow students pictured in the Girls of Manchester Universities 2003, has been massive.

Her mother, Sally Hutchinson, said: "I can quite safely say that Age Concern York will not be producing a calendar like this for 2003, although who knows what we'll consider next year?"

Ellie, a film and media studies student at Manchester Metropolitan University who attended York Sixth Form College, is shown in a pose made famous in the film American Beauty.

The students' union claimed the calendar might prevent students enrolling at city universities.

But her mother is so proud of what her daughter has done that the calendar will be hanging from her wall next year, and Ellie's grandmother has also ordered a copy.

"I think as I've grown older I've become far more broadminded and I say good luck to her," said Sally.

"I don't think the calendar is at all offensive. I understand about female exploitation, but these girls wanted to be part of this. Ellie wasn't exploited at all.

"It is hard as a mother to know what to think about it, but I certainly do not condemn it.

"It's been an eye-opener for the whole family, but she's 20 years old, she knows her own mind and she can make her own decisions."

The calendar's pictures feature the girls in sultry poses, although none shows full nudity.

"These girls are not page three models," said Sally.

"All of them are genuine, lovely girls having fun. All this publicity has actually given it more exposure than it would have got if the students' union hadn't banned it."

Ellie had asked her parent's opinion before taking part in the photo shoot.

Sally said: "She rather sheepishly asked what we thought about it, but we could tell she was excited and thrilled about doing it."

Ellie was joined by another North Yorkshire girl in the calendar. Kelly Rea, 20, from Selby, posed as Miss October.

Kelly, a history student at the University of Manchester, formerly went to Brayton High School.

Updated: 11:44 Wednesday, November 20, 2002