RYEDALE MP John Greenway has been visiting patients and staff at Malton Hospital and looking at where a £1.5m grant is to be spent.

Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale Primary Care Trust successfully bid for the huge cash injection earlier this year.

money will be spent revamping the old-fashioned Nightingale wards, improving them and giving patients greater privacy.

Mr Greenway met with patients at staff at the hospital and toured several wards, including the maternity unit and the older people's wards. Derek Bartrop, the trust's head of patient and public involvement, said: "John was showing his support for the plans that we are going to be drawing together as a result of getting this capital money.

"We know we get a lot of support from the Friends of Malton Hospital, so we will be looking to work with them on this."

Updated: 09:57 Saturday, December 28, 2002