COMPETING in the event for the first time York City Baths Club's team finished in third place in the final round of the Speedo League North Eastern First Division meet held at Harrogate Hydro swimming pool.

The Baths Club team was supported by Yorwaste.

Individual winners for York were: Hannah Petts, 11yrs 50 metres freestyle; Alice Sunderland, 13yrs 100m backstroke and 100m freestyle; Robert Kinnell, 13yrs 100m breaststroke; and Mandy I'Anson in the women's 100m freestyle.

In the team events the girls 13yrs group won the medley and freestyle relays. The medley four were Hannah Petts, Sophie Calpin, Alice Sunderland and Fiona Siddall.

The freestyle relay swimmers were Michelle Moffatt, Hannah Petts, Fiona Siddall and Alice Sunderland.

York women won the medley and freestyle team events. Katy Sunderland, Mairi Macdonald, Jenny Hoggard and Mandy I'Anson in the medley team were joined by Alice Sunderland and Lauren Mason for the six-leg freestyle team event.

York City Baths Club held their annual graded meet at the Edmund Wilson pool. Many York swimmers were competing for the first time amd won a 18 gold medals, 13 silver and 13 bronze. All events were swum over 50 metres.

York club winners appear in the results section on the left.

Updated: 12:16 Saturday, January 18, 2003