TO give the message that burglary is accepted by society as a mere inconvenience reveals how out of touch with reality the fat-cat judiciary is - especially Tony's crony, Lord Irvine.

An Englishman's home should be his castle. If anybody breaks in, it shouldn't be three strikes and you are out, it should be one strike and you're in, for a minimum of three years for a crime that is making millions of law-abiding citizens live in fear. Any repeat offence should be met with a double sentence.

If we haven't enough prison cells, we should build more. But I am convinced there wouldn't be any need as burglaries would decline dramatically if the criminals thought they really were going to be punished.

Stephen Feaster,

Chairman, Ryedale Branch,

United Kingdom Independence Party,

Cropton, Pickering.

Updated: 12:25 Tuesday, January 21, 2003