THOSE of us among the 450 people at the York Against The War rally on Monday night who heard George Galloway speak about the looming war in Iraq were left in no doubt that such a war would be a disaster and must be stopped by the people of this country

Tony Blair was described as being like a poker player with a bad hand. His party and the people of his country are increasingly sceptical of the gamble he is playing with the lives of Iraqis, our military forces and our future security.

If democracy means anything to your readers, they should write to Hugh Bayley MP and urge all their friends and colleagues to do the same.

They should also join what is likely to be this country's biggest peace protest in London on February 15.

As George Galloway said, without British support, there is a chance that a war that will be perceived as a modern "crusade" against the Moslem world can be avoided.

Sending a quarter of our Army to support the Americans in occupying a country still suffering from a decade of sanctions is hardly likely to endear us to Third World countries and people whose rights the US chooses to ignore.

Tough on terrorism and tough on the causes of terrorism? What will our response be when Israel commits further genocide on the Palestinians while the world's attention is on Iraq?

We cannot create a safer world by terrorising and bombing the land of every dictator who chooses not to take "our" side.

Andy D'Agorne,

Broadway West, York.

Updated: 11:06 Wednesday, January 22, 2003