A GROUP of staff at York St John College are hoping to shed pounds to boost the funds of St Leonard's Hospice.

Hilary King, Chris Thornton-Rhodes, Sarah Hinken, Jackie Coates and Vicky Turner, who are all administration staff in the college's School of Professional Health Studies, have organised a sponsored slim to get in shape and raise cash for the charity between now and Easter.

Hilary said: "We wanted to do something for the hospice because it's a local charity that does a lot of good work and it has played a part in the lives of a lot of people's friends and family. We thought we would slim as a group so we can give each other encouragement."

Anyone who would like to help the slimmers with donations or who has other offers of support should call Hilary on 01904 716907.

Updated: 09:39 Thursday, January 23, 2003