THE mental health charity Mind is set to receive a donation of more than £1,000 from members and staff at Courtney's, based at Water World in York.

The money was raised through a series of charity events such as coffee mornings, car washing, and gym challengers.

The donation is part of an overall campaign by the firm's parent company, Cannon, which managed to raise £92,000 last year for the charity.

Rachel Thompson, sales and marketing manager, who co-ordinated the fundraising event, said: "The commitment and enthusiasm of our staff and members has been overwhelming. It's been hard work but it's also been great fun for everyone concerned."

Richard Brook, chief executive of Mind, said: "Not only have their donations helped us to provide vital support services, but together we've raised awareness of mental health problems in England and Wales."

Updated: 10:41 Saturday, February 15, 2003