York Evening Press Personal Trainer Andy Wiggins continues his step-by-step guide to exercise for beginners

Squats are a great exercise to give your legs and your buttocks a fantastic workout. This can be done at home or at your local gym. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, head up and with a slight arch in your lower back.

As if you are about to sit down, slowly bend your knees while pushing out your buttocks.

Keep lowering yourself until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor and make sure your knees do not pass over the front of your toes. Press into the floor evenly with both feet and straighten the legs in a smooth and controlled motion. Just do eight to 12 repetitions, one set three times a week.

After a while, start to add some resistance such as a can of beans in each hand.

Squatting is a functional movement which we do on a daily basis. This will help you do daily tasks as well.

Lunges to strengthen the legs and buttocks

Stand with your back straight and feet-shoulder width apart with toes pointing forward.

Take a large step forward with your right foot, landing with the heel first. Lower the upper body by bending at the right knee, tilting your hips slightly forward until the upper leg is parallel to the floor. The left knee should bend slightly. Exhale and push off the heel of the right foot, tightening your buttocks as you step back to the starting position. Repeat eight to 12 times then change sides.

Arm curls to strengthen

your arms

Arm curls are a great way to make your arms strong and lean.

Stand with a weight, such as a can of beans, in each hand, arms by your side, elbows tucked in, palms facing out, feet-shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Raise the weights towards the front of your shoulders and lower the weight back down slowly with control until the arms are fully extended. One set of eight to 12 repetitions two to three times a week will help develop strength within your arms.

Work slowly and in a controlled manner, ensuring you get a full range of motion. At home you can also do this sitting on your chair with the same can of beans or even use the shopping you have just carried home.

Triceps dips to tighten

the back of the arms

We all hate saggy arms so remember, if you work one side you have to work the other side equally. Work to the same repetitions as the biceps exercises.

If you are at home, sit on the edge of a chair with your hands actually on the edge of it, fingers facing forwards. Lift yourself off the chair and lower yourself towards the floor by bending your arms.

Lift yourself back up by straightening your arms. Repeat for the desired amount of repetitions and sets.

To make this harder, position your legs further away from the chair.

Relaxation exercises or yoga/pilates class to

relieve all stresses

Do simple daily relaxation exercises at home such as this one: sit in a comfortable place and in a comfortable position with your eyes closed and focus completely on your breathing.

Count slowly from ten to zero, one number for each breath, and try to clear your mind. You will soon feel calm and peaceful. At your health club, take up yoga, pilates or even T'ai Chi classes.

All of the previous exercises benefit you physically, but these relaxation exercises focus on your inner self.

Finally, it is essential to plan your days so that these exercises become part of your daily schedule.

Exercise of the week

Press-ups are great for working your chest (pectorals), arms (triceps) and shoulders (deltoids).

No equipment is needed, just enough floor space to lie down.

Three options:

1. Box with knees at 90 degrees on the floor, hands just outside shoulder width, lower down to floor by bending at the elbow. Pause at the bottom before pushing yourself up by straightening your elbows. Keep your back flat so a straight line can be drawn from your head to your bottom.

2. Do three or four with knees at 45 degrees on the floor as above, except the straight line will be from your head to your knees.

3. Full press-ups on your toes, with the straight line from your head to your heels.

Keep your tummy tight throughout.

Don't sacrifice form by rushing the exercise, control the speed of each repeated exercise, down for two seconds, hold for a second at the bottom and two seconds back up

Do full press-ups one leg at a time with the other in the threequarter position to allow for a controllable progression

Try to do two sets of 15-20 of each.

When two sets of an option have been achieved move the second set up to the next option.

For best results you need to do enough to tire the muscles by the end of both sets.

For more information or advice contact Andy at Fitness First on 01904 693322

Updated: 09:27 Monday, February 17, 2003