HOW good of the Rev Jeremy Clines to inform us what we all think about the possible war against Saddam Hussein and his murderous, unsafe, regime in Iraq (Letters, March 1).

I have spoken to many people during the past week or so - many old soldiers who fought so we could have the freedom we, and Jeremy, now enjoy. Without exception they said we, and our good friends in the USA, should get in now and sort it out.

Saddam must be enjoying the news from all quarters that "stop-the-war marches" are taking place all over to protect him and his murderous cronies.

No one wants a war - least of all Christians - but after 12 years of playing games with everyone, someone needs to take action. Sooner rather than later.

The dear reverend ought to ask the thousands of displaced Iraqi people in this country and elsewhere what they think? What about the millions of his own people Saddam has tortured and murdered?

The stop-the-war marches are a farce, and I won't be joining one.

I have better things to do.

Bryan R Lawson,

Burton Fields Road,

Stamford Bridge, York.

...WHAT a load of twaddle from R Westmoreland (March 6). Who mentioned appeasement? The facts speak for themselves. In 1933 The Oxford Union debated and voted against fighting.

Ribbentrop did report the facts to Hitler who certainly went on with his annexations. The only appeasement was done by Chamberlain in 1938, although it did buy us a year to re-equip fighter command.

A G Reeson,

Huntington Road,


Updated: 10:25 Friday, March 14, 2003