NORTH Yorkshire flower power is set to bring a welcome cash boost for research into a deadly disease.

A Crocus Walk is due to take place at Castle Howard on Sunday as part of a series of similar fundraising events happening across the country for the charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

York employer Norwich Union is supporting the walks, having pledged to match pound-for-pound the total money raised by walkers, up to the value of £100,000.

Last year this meant a £200,000 cash boost to fund vital research into a disease which claims the lives of over 1,000 women a month in the UK.

Karen Burdass, who is arranging the walk at Castle Howard this year, said that so far about 40 people have already been recruited for the walk, but she would welcome anyone else who wants to go along.

Karen is meeting walkers, at 10am, in the main car park at Castle Howard.

Anyone who would like more information can contact Breakthrough Breast Cancer on 0207 557 6602 or visit

Updated: 08:52 Friday, March 21, 2003