Q I've been overweight for most of my life and have only recently decided now is the time to do something about it. I have joined my local gym and am trying really hard. But I fear I may get fed up and be back where I started.

Can you offer any advice on how to stick to my exercise regime and not fall off the wagon?

A If you have decided 2003 is going to be the year that you get fit and loose those extra pounds then formulating a plan and sticking to it is key to your success.

It is easy to be enthusiastic in the early days of your new fitness regime, but your drive and eagerness can dwindle after only a few short weeks if you let it.

Set yourself short-term achievable goals and mark them clearly in your diary. For example, there is no point saying you wish to look like Geri Halliwell by next month, but rather you wish to be able to wear a sleeveless top by your birthday in three months' time.

Buy the dress or item of clothing you have always wanted, whether or not you fit it immediately. Having a piece of clothing hanging in the wardrobe that you can't wait to wear is a real incentive.

Train with a partner - it always more difficult not to go if you have made arrangements to meet somebody at the health club.

Understand your own stress levels. Stress is one of the most common causes of binge eating and it is important to know what situations cause you to be stressed. Try exercising at this point rather than eating. You will be amazed at how successfully this combats stress.

Eat little, often and more slowly - this is scientifically proven to help you eat less.

Increase your water intake by carrying a water bottle with you at all times. You should drink two litres of water every day and the easiest way to do so is to have a water bottle in front of you.

Monitor your weekly shop; if you don't have bad food in the house you are less likely to eat it. Avoid brightly-coloured packaging because, as a general rule, such foods have a higher fat content.

Carry fresh fruit with you, and then when you feel hungry in between meals you are more likely to snack on healthy food.

Increase resistance training because this increases your metabolic rate, which in turn helps to burn off more fat.

Try doing your cardio work after your resistance work. Most people begin their workouts on cardio equipment, but this significantly reduces energy stores before resistance training.

Exercise of the week...

Sideways bend

The sideways bend helps to loosen the small of your back and slim the waist.

Remember, never to strain or force your body. Just move slowly and gently into each position.


Stand straight with your legs about 90 cm apart and your hands by your sides. Breathe in and stretch your left hand up into the air.


Breathing out, bend to the right hand side, slowly sliding your right hand down your right leg

Hold the maximum stretch for five seconds then slowly return to the standing position. Repeat to the left.

Do a set of 15 twice on each side.

As the action gets easier try holding a bag of sugar in your hand.

Updated: 09:24 Monday, March 24, 2003