LIBERAL Democrat Leader Charles Kennedy adjusts his tie in an open-top smart cabrio car during a visit to York today to help launch the local party's transport policy.

The party wants to encourage the use of smaller cars, such as the distinctive smart car, by designating special spaces at car parks. "I think it's a smart idea," said Mr Kennedy.

He visited York Station and the Guildhall before going on a "walkabout" in the city centre.

He was then heading for the Barbican Centre to help launch the party's leisure campaign.

He said: "York is an area where we are in a significant position. Obviously we hope to do better.

"It is a city I have visited many times before and I have always enjoyed my time here. There is a great sense of history here and also a great sense of friendliness among York's residents."

Updated: 15:23 Thursday, April 03, 2003