A VETERAN dancing teacher is celebrating the work of lifelong pupils at her school in York.

Isobel Dunn, 80, has been teaching in York for 57 years.

She is now celebrating the work of several women whom she has taught all their lives and who are taking their own early steps into teaching dance.

Isobel said: "I have taught the girls since they were three or four, now they are all grown up, but here they still are.

"I am very pleased to see them taking their dancing forward this way."

Sacha Lee, Kirsty Higgins and Catherine Finta have all passed their Ballet Graduate Two teaching examination. The women have been coached by another lifelong pupil of Isobel's, Yvonne Hoque, who teaches part-time at the school.

Sacha, Kirsty and Catherine will now be working part-time as dance coaches at the school.

The next step in their teaching careers is to become an associate of the International Dance Teachers' Association. They could then open their own schools, but are very happy working with Isobel, who has followed their progress with great interest.

She said: "They have put so much hard work into all this.

"It is very good to see them doing their bit to keep dancing alive this way."

Updated: 08:48 Thursday, April 03, 2003