A MAGICAL production is seeking performers and helpers for a summer performance in York.

The Summer Youth Production at the Grand Opera House in York needs 150 young people aged between nine and 21 for this summer's performance of The Wizard of Oz. Young people with singing and dancing ability are needed for both lead and smaller roles, with more opportunities for children with basic skills in movement, drama and singing. Acting and dancing auditions will take place on April 14 at the theatre, with musical auditions on April 15.

There will also be opportunities for people aged 12 to 21 for backstage workers interested in a technical career, with auditions on April 15 at 3pm.

Young people interested in auditioning should contact the theatre on 01904 678700 for an application form. The closing date for applications is April 11.

Pictured are cast members of Wizard Of Oz enjoying a walk by the River Ouse, York

Picture: Steven Bradshaw

Updated: 09:03 Thursday, April 03, 2003