ADVENTUROUS Helen Binks was surprised when a funeral director offered to drive her to the airport for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Africa.

But the Poppleton graduate didn't have to arrive at Heathrow in a hearse - she was able to travel in a luxury limousine.

Helen, 23, who has a degree in African Studies, is taking part in a six-month conservation project in Tanzania. She enlisted the help of local businesses to raise the £4,000 needed to take part in the programme, which involves gathering data about the East Arc mountains.

She had planned to travel from her Poppleton home by train, but was delighted when Richard Rymer, of the J Rymer funeral service, in Penleys Grove Street, York, stepped in to help her catch her plane in style.

Mr Rymer said he contacted Helen after spotting her appeal for help in the Evening Press.

He said: "Travelling down to London on the train would have cost her a lot of money and we had a car and driver just sitting around."

He said the seven-seater limousine, which is used for funerals, weddings and taking American tourists to local attractions, meant that Helen's loved ones could see her off at the airport.

He said: "We will also take her friends and family to meet her when she returns to England and bring her back to Poppleton in the limousine."

Helen said: "I was really pleased when they contacted me as catching the train would have been quite stressful, especially with the strikes. I am really excited about my trip, but I am a little bit scared."

Her nerves are understandable as Helen is absolutely terrified of flying and she will be in the air for more than ten hours before she reaches her destination.

Helen said she wanted to thank everyone who had given her money for her trip.

She said: "I have had a lot of individual people who have gone out of their way to give me small donations. I am really very touched by their generosity."

Updated: 09:52 Thursday, April 03, 2003