Anti-war protesters in York have stepped up their campaign against war in the Gulf with plans to hold a peace festival in May.

Members of York Against The War hope to stage the Festival For Peace in the city on the May Day Bank Holiday.

The festival will include a protest march against the war, a rally with national speakers, live music and artistic entertainment.

Organisers, buoyed by the success of last month's city centre protest marches, hope that more than five thousand people will join the event.

Rory Palmer, of York Against The War, said a task group has been set up to look at possible venues for a festival and to plan a day of action and entertainment.

He said: "We want to bring together all the diverse areas of the anti-war campaign that we have seen over the past year.

"We may stage another march through York as we have done before, then head to a site which lends itself to forming a festival.

"People's opinions of the war are getting more sceptical and dubious as it goes on. A festival could be great with good music, good speeches and good entertainment."

Meanwhile, protesters from the group will be targeting the North Yorkshire military base at Fylingdales on Saturday as part of a national campaign, Reclaim The Bases.

Mr Palmer said: "This demonstrates the intention of York Against The War to continue campaigning against the illegal war in Iraq."

Updated: 10:00 Thursday, April 03, 2003