A DISPLAY of war artist Edward Ardizzone's work will be staged in a North Yorkshire town from Saturday.

Ardizzone was one of a clutch of official war artists who covered the Second World War, recording the blitz in London and travelling through North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Normandy and at the end of the war in Germany.

He sent back 400 watercolours, often produced in terrifying circumstances.

His son, Nicholas, will be giving an illustrated talk on his father's life and work, including the illustrations he did for children's books including the Nurse Matilda series, Stig Of The Dump and the Tim stories.

Dr Ardizzone will be at Helmsley Arts Centre for one night only on Saturday from 7.30pm.

Tickets for the illustrated talk cost £6 from the box office on 01439 771700 and the tourist information centre on 01439 770173.

The Edward Ardizzone exhibition runs until Sunday May 10.

Updated: 10:14 Thursday, April 03, 2003