STAFF at York-based Jarvis are being urged to be vigilant after a woman employee was subjected to an unprovoked attack as she left work.

The 33-year-old woman was left bruised and shocked after being punched in the face by a man as she walked with a colleague through the Marble Arch tunnel, Leeman Road.

The attack comes only weeks after a man in his mid-20s was taken to hospital after being found with serious facial injuries in the tunnel. Police are investigating, and a memo has been sent to more than 1,000 people at the Toft Green-based company asking employees to walk in pairs to the staff car park at the old biscuit warehouse site, off Leeman Road.

Speaking to the Evening Press, the woman, who comes from the Malton area, said the attack had left her feeling physically sick with worry as she has to walk the same route every day.

She said: "I didn't actually see him until he hit me. He punched me with his fist up under my chin. I was shocked more than hurt, my teeth whacked together, my jaw swelled up and I have bruises."

The assault took place as the woman walked with another female colleague at about 4pm on Monday. The woman did not require hospital treatment but police officers took photographs of her injuries.

The attacker is described as white, about 5ft 8in tall, with short, brown hair. His appearance was scruffy and he wore blue jeans and an olive green jacket with two cream-coloured stripes running around the bottom.

A Jarvis spokesman said staff were shocked to hear of the attack and added that managers were concerned for the safety of their staff. He said: "Thankfully, such incidents are very rare, but we are advising staff to take particular care in this area and have suggested that people pair up wherever possible." He added: "If a little extra care can reduce the risk we are encouraging staff to take it."

Anyone who recognises the description of the assailant or saw the violent incident is asked to phone York Police on 01904 631321.

Updated: 10:33 Thursday, April 03, 2003