STEVEN Malkmus spent the Nineties as leader of influential US cult band Pavement, supplying the surreally brilliant lyrics that defined their rambling slacker pop.

They were even on the verge of gaining mainstream success with their final album, Terror Twilight, and their name being dropped by a new glut of celebrity fans, when, with typical perversity, they split up. Two albums into his solo career, Malkmus has found a new backing band and, after the mellow, folk-pop style of his solo debut, has dusted off his electric guitar. Pig Lib has almost a 1970s rock feel to its freeform, guitar-led jams. Steering his trademark path between discord and melody, it's a darker, self-absorbed record - there are only glimpses of Malkmus's inspired wordplay, and, for all its charming moments, nothing as memorable as the heights of his former band. One for the dedicated fan - the casually interested should spend their hard-earned on investigating the Pavement back catalogue.

Updated: 09:27 Thursday, April 03, 2003