IT SEEMS to have been a while since a new band such as Medium 21 came to national attention.

Not that they're the new young saviour of British guitar music some quarters seem to have been frantically searching for. Instead, this new band seem committed to classic "indie" traditions, having four members and a singing frontman guitarist being one. Thankfully, Medium 21 have taken note of the important tradition that a band is able to write some music. Think a few Smiths influences along with a smattering of Gorkys Zygotic Mycni, layers of delicate melodies and anguished vocals topped off with meatier moments. It's not an instant classic but is a grower with plenty going on, obvious skill, talent and potential. There is plenty of variety. The LP jumps from one, glorious short-lived groove of the sort played when a Stetson-wearing hero enters the last-chance saloon before the final duel, to a complicated, beautifully built and melancholy track on which singer Jon Clough's voice moves effortlessly around the octaves.

Updated: 09:26 Thursday, April 03, 2003