ELLA Hirst wrote about moving Royal Ascot to York and mentioned Scarcroft allotments near Knavesmire are "burnt out and vandalised" (April 9). I object to this description.

Scarcroft allotments are a fantastic community resource. Young people grow their own vegetables, parents introduce their children to the wonders of nature and pensioners work on their own allotments and help younger people with theirs.

We are conducting an environmental survey because the allotments support many birds, amphibians and many interesting plants. We work closely with the city council, the local school, a local drama group and the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.

In addition, we provide a wide range of garden supplies to members and have run various events and classes with more planned.

Ella Hirst should pop down to the allotments for a chat. Of course, we do still have some problems caused by unauthorised visitors, and if anyone sees suspicious activities on the allotments they should contact the police.

Sara Robin,

Secretary, Scarcroft Allotments Society, Wentworth Road, York.

Updated: 11:39 Friday, April 18, 2003