THE policy and practice of the present Labour council has been to dump everything in Huntington.

Every day you read of other areas of York being given the chance to plan their development, put forward housing, open spaces, play areas, amenities etc backed by the council.

But not Huntington: no consultation, just a bulldozer through this village.

All future commercial development dumped in Huntington, all future extra housing dumped in Huntington.

Park and Ride, not wanted by the residents with more than 2,000 objection letters, dumped in Huntington.

Extra traffic dumped in Huntington, a football club dumped in Huntington without input by the York City Knights or the residents , the loss of the best athletics track in the county, the loss of a massive wedge of Green Belt land in Huntington all planned and methodically executed without care by this council.

Residents of Huntington please remember this on May 1 and let's dump this council.

Peter G Richardson,

Merlin Covert,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 10:16 Tuesday, April 22, 2003