THE answer to J Bradshaw (Letters, April 11) is that Labour is taking action for a cleaner city.

Six new contract staff have already started work. Their first duties have been to tackle the problem of litter on grass verges of heavily used principal roads, including the outer ring road.

A new team will be responsible for tackling hotspots outside the city centre and for responding to residents' main area of concern.

Additional cleansing of the River Foss, more effort on the autumn leaf fall and tackling graffiti and fly-posting will also be covered by the additional £160,000 budget. The frequency of grass verge cutting is also being increased in built up areas and damaged litter bins replaced.

Mr Bradshaw may criticise, but unless we have someone on every corner. We cannot always keep the streets completely clean - certainly not when so many people casually or deliberately drop litter.

Coun Derek Smallwood,

Executive member for planning and transport, City of York Council,

Wycliffe Avenue, York.

Updated: 10:15 Tuesday, April 22, 2003