FOUR York mothers have sent Tony Blair and George Bush a "heartfelt" Valentine's Day message with a difference.

Belinda Noda, Jenny Kelleher, Teejae Frear and Sally Temple have called for "love not war" to be made across the world in the face of the possible war with Iraq.

The four were inspired to make a giant felt heart that made their feelings clear.

Belinda said: "We thought of the irony of the situation. It is Valentine's Day, when people are talking about love, while elsewhere there is all this planning about going to war.

"I am not a campaigner, but I am a mother of three young children. This particular campaign was one that I couldn't ignore.

"Because we are mothers we all know what it is like to have bullies around. On the world stage, Bush is the big playground bully and Blair is the slimy kid who sucks up to him all the time to stay in favour."

The mothers will be joining anti-war protesters in York tomorrow.

Earlier tomorrow, 21 coaches full of protesters will leave York for the national protest in London.

About 1,500 York-area protesters are expected to make the trip, travelling by coach, train and car.

Updated: 11:15 Friday, February 14, 2003