THE BBC will be recording One Man And His Dog at Castle Howard over the weekend of July 19 and 20.

The public are invited to come along to watch on Saturday, from 2pm until 5pm, and on Sunday, from 10am until 5pm.

There will be three teams of sheepdog triallists led by three celebrity team captains, one of whom will be Ben Fogle.

The presenter will be Clarissa Dickson Wright, originally one of BBC 2's Two Fat Ladies.

The expert and commentator will be Gus Dermoddy.

The competition will be held on the field between the Temple of the Four Winds and the Mausoleum, giving visitors the rare opportunity to view the spectacular Howard family Mausoleum at close quarters.

The second day will finish with prizegiving for the winning team and the highest individual score and the prizes will be presented by Rebecca Howard.

Updated: 09:17 Monday, April 28, 2003