I INVITE readers to consider their vote for elections tomorrow.

It has been a hard campaign for my little party but we have had a significant and positive response from the voters on the doorstep to our agenda.

- We will challenge the council to refuse to sell the land for the Coppergate II, favouring the development of the Clifford's Tower site as a public park instead.

- We oppose the Labour and Lib Dem drive towards privatisation and PFI deals which will cost council taxpayers more in the longer term.

- We oppose the sale of the Barbican on the present terms.

- We will campaign for fuller consultation on the options for the university's development.

High Green votes in several wards will elect the first Green councillors in York. So use your vote wisely: think about the future. After all, what sort of city would you like to bequeath?

Mark Hill,

Coordinator of York Green Party,

Holly Terrace, York.

Updated: 11:34 Wednesday, April 30, 2003