ARTWORK created by inmates of a maximum security prison are on show in York.

York College is showcasing work by more than 20 prisoners from Full Sutton Prison.

The constraints of the prison has meant the men have been forced to use whatever limited materials are available to them.

The exhibition includes artwork made from the paper left over from using hole punchers, canvasses made out of bed sheets, and a mosaic made using wood wax, acrylic paint and gold leaf.

A spokeswoman for the prison said: "This fascinating exhibition gives a true insight into the abilities and thoughts of men hidden away from society within our prison system."

The public are welcome to the exhibition at the Learning Resource Exhibition Space, in Tadcaster Road, from Monday to Friday, from 8.45am to 9pm, Friday from 8.45am to 6pm, and Saturday from 9am to 1pm.

For more information phone 01904 770406.

Updated: 09:49 Thursday, May 15, 2003