IN your report about the York Against The War demonstration at the council (May 21) Lib Dem leader Steve Galloway claims we don't understand the difference between national and local issues.

On the contrary, YATW understands only too well that every pound spent bombing Iraqi people and their facilities is a pound less available for spending on hospitals, schools and housing in York and elsewhere in Britain.

This is why we say welfare not warfare! Got the point now, Steve?

York MP Hugh Bayley is priceless! He chides us for ignoring the fact that after the invasion of Iraq, terrorist attacks are on the increase worldwide.

Yet months ago YATW told him an invasion would do nothing to stop terrorist attacks, because the Iraqis were not behind them. On the contrary, we said by incensing Arab and Muslim opinion against the US and British invaders, it was very likely to increase such attacks. Do pay attention, Hugh!

Bob Looker

York Against The War,

Clifton Dale,



..LAST December the UN General Assembly recommended human rights monitors should be deployed with immediate effect into Iraq - something Amnesty International was firmly behind with our longstanding concerns for the human rights of the people of this unfortunate country.

It didn't happen then and it is not happening now.

In a period of continued instability, human rights monitors would play a critical role in preventing human rights abuses and investigating abuses by all.

They would provide real, visible proof that the human rights of the Iraqi people are at the centre of international concern.

This must be resolved urgently if there is to be a positive impact for the people of Iraq.

The York Amnesty International Group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm at the Friends' Meeting House, Clifford Street.

We extend a warm welcome to anyone who is interested.

Linda Combi,

Amnesty International UK York Group,

Albemarle Road,


Updated: 10:21 Friday, May 23, 2003