PEOPLE with multiple sclerosis will be spreading their wings in York next month when they take part in a special flying day in the city.

This opportunity of a lifetime, where people with MS can take to the skies, is part of a series of flying days made possible by a £5,000 grant from the MS Society Millennium Awards Scheme.

The first event will be held at Rufforth, York, on Saturday, June 14, when 15 people with MS will have the chance to fly a motor glider, be towed to 2,000 feet in a sailplane, fly a microlight or go tandem hang-gliding.

The day is being organised by Alun White, a trustee of the MS Society who himself has MS.

Alun said: "For the last three years I've been taking people with MS flying at Old Sarum, near Salisbury.

"Thanks to the grant, I can now help many more take to the air for a lesson with an experienced instructor.

"Better still, there is no charge for this experience of a lifetime."

Instructors at Rufforth are well-used to disabled fliers as the club there regularly hosts events for the British Disabled Flying Club.

Anyone with MS who would like to take part or come along to offer support should phone Alun White on 01452 762060 no later than Friday, May 30.

Updated: 09:50 Friday, May 23, 2003