THOUSANDS of schoolchildren are to get a taste of the countryside by trying their hand at skills such as dry stone walling and wood turning.

Children aged between seven and 11 have been invited to the Great Yorkshire Showground, in Harrogate, on June 17 and 18 for the Yorkshire Agricultural Society's annual Countryside Days.

The event was first held in 2001 and proved so popular that the society have had to set aside two days this year to allow more than 2,700 children from throughout the area to attend.

The Yorkshire Agricultural Society's Education Adviser, Di Brabbs said: "Young people should be aware of rural issues, where the food on their plate comes from, and how it is produced."

East Coast Ferret Rescue and representatives from the British Horse Racing Training Board will be at the event. Children will get involved in hands-on activities including weaving and stick making. Highlights will include displays of working sheep dogs, bee keeping, owls and hawks, arable farming and forestry. The children have been asked to design and make a farm animal or bird using waste material and bring their entries. The best entry on each day will win the entrant's school a wooden bench.

Updated: 09:24 Friday, May 23, 2003