WORK is set to start next week on the £3.1 million flood defence scheme for Stamford Bridge.

Construction work involving approximately 1,000m of flood defence walls and earth embankment is expected to be watertight by Christmas.

Contractors will spend the next few weeks preparing the site, with the main construction work due to start in July.

The defences will benefit both sides of the River Derwent, and protect the A166 at Stamford Bridge, four residential properties, 22 commercial properties and those areas which flooded in March 1999 and Autumn 2000.

Landscaping, which will involve grassing over the earth embankment and brick and cast stone cladding for walls, will take place during 2004.

Roy Ward, chairman of the Yorkshire Regional Flood Defence Committee, said: "I am delighted that a flood defence scheme for Stamford Bridge will be constructed this year. The scheme would not have been possible without the combined efforts of the Environment Agency, the community, Defra, East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Ryedale District Council.

"Although there will be some short-term disruption while construction work is carried out, we trust that the community will understand the long-term benefits."

Updated: 10:18 Friday, May 23, 2003