TWO York post offices and one in Selby are to close during June and July, it was announced today.

Post Office chiefs warned York residents to expect more closures as part of modernisation plans.

The threat to the future of the three offices - at Gerard Avenue in Burnholme and Farndale Road in Osbaldwick, and the Brayton Road branch in Doncaster Road, Selby - was first announced last month, when Post Office bosses said they were giving customers a chance to air their concerns before making a final decision.

But Post Office Ltd said today that the Brayton Road branch would close on June 30, the Gerard Avenue branch is to close on July 1, and the Osbaldwick branch will close on July 5.

Osbaldwick residents, who have campaigned to save their branch, reacted with fury. Campaign leader Gerald Grisdale said: "This is just so wrong. Our fight will continue."

A company spokesman said sub-postmasters had been asked for their views following the announcement last autumn of a programme to restructure the post office network, saying in many cities and towns there were too many outlets competing for too little business.

He said Post Office Ltd had agreed with the sub-postmasters of the three York and Selby outlets that they should close permanently.

David Mellows-Facer, the company's head of area, said: "We received a number of comments about the proposal to close these branches and the main issues raised were around the convenience of alternative branches and the effect on the elderly community.

"We carefully considered the points raised. However, following this exercise, we still believe that the closure of these branches is the correct course of action."

In York they had made sure that the Tang Hall Lane, Melrosegate, and East Parade, Heworth, branches were ready to cope with extra customers.

Updated: 11:12 Friday, May 23, 2003