THE verdict on York's £60 million Coppergate Riverside scheme is set to be announced in the next four weeks.

It emerged today that Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott will not make the big decision, because York is too close to his Hull constituency.

A 35-day public inquiry into Land Securities' controversial project to build shops, flats and restaurants on land between Clifford's Tower and Piccadilly finished last year.

Organisations including the Castle Area Campaign, York Tomorrow and York Civic Trust had mounted sustained objections to the scheme, claiming it would have a disastrous impact on the historic tower.

An inspector submitted his report to the Government earlier this year, since when it has come under scrutiny by civil servants before it could be passed on to a Minister.

The inspector's recommendations on whether or not to grant the go-ahead have been kept a closely-guarded secret and will not be made public until the Government makes its decision.

A Government spokeswoman confirmed rumours that the crucial decision will probably be made in late June or early July.

It had been thought that the final decision on the scheme lay in the hands of Mr Prescott.

But the Evening Press understands that it would not be considered appropriate for an MP with a constituency so close to York to be involved.

The decision will be made by Planning Minister Tony McNulty.

Updated: 10:49 Wednesday, June 04, 2003