HUNDREDS of thousands of pounds of extra road and footpath repair spending has been approved by senior York councillors.

A total of £340,000 will be released from contingency funds to cover the costs, with £240,000 going on increased highway maintenance costs in the current financial year.

The other £100,000 will be swallowed up by extra costs run up during the 2002/2003 winter season.

Ann Reid, City of York Council's executive member for planning and transport, said the cash was being drawn from contingency funds. The money had been put aside for the works by the previous Labour administration, she said.

Coun Reid said: "One of our main plans was improved highway and footpath maintenance. We would not want to see this year's projects fall short by £240,000.

"The budget is closely monitored. If there are any savings, hopefully we will be able to spend it on mending more foothpaths."

Yesterday's executive meeting, the first for the Liberal Democrat controlled city council, also saw the approval of the overall highways budgets for the current financial year.

A total of £5,423,930 has been allocated, with £448,250 for road resurfacing, more than £1.57m for footpaths and £50,000 for works on cycle lanes.

Members agreed to continue a works programme that involves laying heavy duty slurry seal in four York streets to try and stop road deterioration and save money.

Ray Chaplin, the council's acting head of highway infrastructure, said in a report that use of the slurry would be monitored over this year, and it may be used again if its success continues.

Updated: 15:21 Wednesday, June 04, 2003