RUDY Giuliani was the inspiring star speaker at the annual international business convention, held at the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate.

The former Mayor of New York, who won widespread praise for his actions in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, told hundreds of businessmen and women from across the region his secrets of leadership.

Citing Winston Churchill as his favourite politician from the past, he said key characteristics for a leader included courage, optimism and "relentless preparation."

His relentless pacing along the stage as he spoke, rarely standing still at the podium, added to the impact of his speech, but created a headache for the cameramen trying to project his image on to big screens nearby.

As he left the spotlight, his image would fade into darkness on the screen.

No sooner had the exposure been adjusted, he would walk back into the full glare of the lights and another adjustment would be needed.

Other speakers during last Friday's successful event included the comedian Rory Bremner and the TV interviewer of Princess Diana and Michael Jackson, Martin Bashir.

Updated: 11:10 Tuesday, June 10, 2003